(May 15, 2023) On May 5, 6 and 7, we celebrated the graduation of the inaugural “OneLife Lodestar” students with their families and the OneLife staff.  The weekend was truly unforgettable as we reflected on the journey that these incredible young men and women have completed over the past nine months. 

On Friday evening, 114 guests shared an incredible pre-graduation meal prepared by friends of the ministry, and then attended a moving outdoor worship service led by the graduates.  Nearly 300 people, from states as far away as Florida, South Carolina, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, were present for the graduation lunch and graduation ceremony on Saturday.  It was a time of great joy and many heartfelt tears.  

The theme of the ceremony centered around key texts in Philippians.  Although not discussed beforehand, the students, staff, and Steve Wingfield all shared passages from Philippians during their speaking times.   The graduates and staff reflected on how the year shaped them and was meaningful to them.  OneLife staff praised each student individually for traits that stood out through their time together, and each of them gave one last meaningful address to the class. Steve presented Victory Weekend medals etched with crossed swords and inscribed with “Iron Sharpens Iron – John 15:13” to each student, staff member, and key volunteer who has made the OneLife program successful.   In his final moments with this inaugural class, Steve challenged them to never stop sharing Jesus, giving them the example of the Apostle Paul sharing the gospel message, even with the prison guards to whom he was chained. 

We are certain that we have not heard the last of these amazing young men and women.  We are excited to watch as they take all of their experiences and lessons learned through the OneLife Institute at the Lodestar Mountain Inn and impact this world for Christ!