ways to help


You Can Be Part of the Story

There are plenty of ways in which you can leave your mark on the ministry that will happen at the Lodestar Mountain Inn.  First and foremost, we ask you to remain intentional in your consistent prayer over every aspect of the retreat center.  You may help cover costs for individuals seeking rest and renewal through individual or event stays at Lodestar through sponsorship donations. Also, we always welcome individuals and groups who want to volunteer their time and talents to help with construction and special work projects that make the Lodestar Mountain Inn a unique and beautiful retreat destination.  Finally, we ask that you prayerfully consider making regular, monthly tax-deductible contributions to ensure that the ministry will be able to continue using this amazing property to inspire and ignite the lives of all who enter.


Sponsorship options

  • Veterans
  • Pastors
  • First Responders


Reasons to donate

  • New construction
  • OneLife gap year program
  • Further the vision


Areas to volunteer

  • Landscaping
  • Cutting firewood
  • Event prep/cleanup